Spaying Capital Region Unowned Feral Felines (SCRUFF)


What We Do

  • Arrange low cost spay and neuter services for feral and stray cats. For $75, we will arrange a spay or neuter appointment. If you cannot afford $75, we ask you to contribute what you can afford. SCRUFF will not deny services to any feral or stray cat. Payment is requested on day of surgery (check payable to SCRUFF or cash only). In addition to the surgery, cats will receive rabies and distemper vaccinations, as well as a mandatory left ear tip – a universally accepted symbol to identify a spayed or neutered and vaccinated community cat. Cats may also receive fluids and a flea treatment. SCRUFF partners with the Animal Protective Foundation (APF) in Schenectady, NY to offer a monthly spay day clinic on the third Sunday (March-November) with additional weekday appointments, as available. Appointments are required prior to trapping a cat. A SCRUFF volunteer can educate on the trapping process. Cats must arrive in a covered humane trap (e.g. TruCatchHavahart). Traps are available to lease by appointment and a security deposit is required. Refer to our Trapping page for helpful guidance. Cat carriers and squirrel traps are not acceptable!
  • Provide information about feral cats via our phone line and website.
  • Community outreach and education, including TNVR workshops.
  • Hands-on trapping instruction and equipment loans.

What We Do NOT Do

  • Emergency Rescues. Instead, call your local veterinarian, animal shelter, or animal emergency hospital.
  • Investigate Animal Cruelty Cases. If you suspect animal cruelty or abuse, call your local law enforcement agency, call the Mohawk Hudson Humane Society at (518) 434-8128, or visit their website
  • Take in Cats or Kittens. However, we may be able to help you find a local animal rescue organization.
  • Remove/relocate stray or feral cats. SCRUFF does not advocate relocating or removing community cats from their territory. We support the practice of caring for these cats via TNVR, and providing food, water, and shelter.

If you are aware of a feral cat or colony that is in need of assistance,
please contact SCRUFF at (518) 526-3372

Please note that we are a volunteer organization, and without public support, we cannot continue to provide low cost spay/neuter services. Our services rely exclusively on donations and on payments received from spay/neuter fees.  Regardless of limited resources and volunteers, we are committed to every community cat in need and will assist you as soon as possible.

Thank you for making a difference!